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What is going on right now?

People are asked to go through massive clearings right now. If you haven't been doing your inner work, you will be forced to do it now. 'Forced' in a sense that nothing can stay hidden anymore. The Shadow must be looked at and integrated. It is 'almost' no longer a choice. The Earth itself is clearing and purifying and so does everyone else. If you chose to stay with the old patterns of behaviour and thought, life will get really interesting for you, not in a pleasant way. We must take responsibility for ourselves and our lives. We must take responsibility for our choices and how they effect everyone around us and the Earth herself. This is a re-balancing time of polarities, of letting go of the systems that no longer work, of creating New ways to go forward and essentially building the new Earth.

Many of the lightworkers, including myself, have been going through an Intense clearing process over the last few years! When I say intense, I mean intense. For myself it was physical, emotional, mental and spiritual purging. (I will talk about it one day in more details.) Emotions that I suppressed since childhood, like anger and frustration, could no longer be suppressed. They came out like waves and waves of storm that I had to look at. I had to learn how to express them in healthy ways without hurting myself or others. I had to sit with them and FULLY FEEL the depth to which they go. The universe had to put me in a life situation with external factors so Loud that I could no longer ignore them. Multiply that times 100 and all kinds of emotions and negative beliefs and fears and challenges, and you get a picture. Clearing after clearing happened as I became lighter in all aspects of myself. As I was shown any childhood traumas (remember, trauma is anything that we are unable to process at a time! It can be as 'small' as an angry look of a parent) in pictures and then literally 'taken back' to those emotions so I could HOLD SPACE FOR MYSELF this time and process. I call these last two years a 'Spiritual Washing Machine' because I felt like I was washed and washed and washed until I became more and more aligned with what I am here to do, until I found and felt my inner centre, my core, my truths, MY true desires and wishes. The clearing process is a clearing of all the conditioning that was placed on us by society and the process of socialization. It is the letting go of what no longer serves us. It is a realignment with the natural cycles and the flow of life. It is a 'coming back home' to our true selves. It is a reclaiming of our Personal Power. For me it is the power in Love, in feeling Grounded and Connected to Earth, in Feeling Good! Whatever Your Personal Power looks like, it is that.

Trust that whatever is happening IS meant to bring you there! Trust that life has got your back and Ask for Help and Support when you need it. Ask and you shall receive. Continue asking yourself questions of what kind of a life you Truly want to live and then listen to the signs and guidance from the universe. We are the creators of everything that happens in our lives. We are also co-creating the new reality together. Let's chose Love over Fear. Freedom over Victimization. Community over Separation. You have the power, FIND IT WITHIN!

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