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There are no problems, only Puzzles

A problem is when something needs to be different for me to be OK.

A puzzle is 'I know I'm OK, and I got this puzzle to figure out'.

Problem implies suffering.

Puzzle implies freedom.

Problem comes from the mind and our tendency to want to control Life.

Puzzle comes from the spirit of what it means to be a human being.

Problem creates tension.

Puzzle creates excitement.

Moving from Problem to Puzzle requires awareness and presence.

It is like a 'switch on' that re-minds you 'oh, I get to do this, I get to experience this, I get to play with this, I get to solve this puzzle'.

This is possible for everyone!

This is where we are moving to, as a collective. #genekey55

This is the awareness of Unity Consciousness and Principle #4 of Personhood. #personhood

So go, see if you can bring this insight into your daily life and approach your typical 'problems' as beautiful/colorful/interesting/unique/sometimes annoying/but oh so human puzzles for your Being to play with. ❤️‍🔥

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