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Healing is remembering your Wholeness.

Healing is simply remembering your own wholeness.

It is the process that a human being goes through upon becoming a mature adult, a conscious empowered Being, sovereign and free.

The problem with most people, is that they are stuck in the hurts of the past. They forget that they are the co-creators of their lives and that on a soul level they chose to come into that exact family, those exact genetics, that exact place on the Earth, that exact body, that exact birthday - to receive the perfect conditions for them to experience whatever they chose to before incarnating.


I needed to be born in Russia, to hold Vedic Codes (still integrating and understanding those); to have an edge that the Russian spirit provides (call it directedness, call it strength, call it coldness at times) so I can balance my delicate feminine frame with fierce giant spirit. I needed to have a father who left when I was young, so that I would see my mom struggling (always working) raising 3 kids, and would have a very strong motivation inside of me to become independent and own my businesses. I also needed to be born to a mother who is so courageous and cool, that her soul decided to get her family outside of Russia, and she ended up buying a home computer (back in 1997!), learning English and then meeting my stepfather online! I needed to come to Canada in 2003, instead of New York City (where my stepfather worked), so as to be exposed to Canadian multiculturalism and develop an acceptance and curiousity to people of different cultures. I believe that was a big part of what opened up my mind and heart in life.

I also needed all the romantic partners, who each showed me perfectly what I wanted and didn't want. I remember being on a vacation in Mexico with my second partner, which he took me to, and realizing that I will never marry for money, because I don't want to be objectified and force myself into intimacy. Was a huge gift!

I also needed to experience the typical North American path and lifestyle of consumerism, big house, corporate ladder, 3 weeks of vacations and TGIF to understand that it wasn't my path. I don't mean to judge it or make it wrong, to each their own. I am immensely grateful for that experience, of getting a Business degree (finally actually using it!), of working at all the jobs I did - it was so rich in experience and showed me plain and centre - I need to work with people emotionally, leading them through transformations and initiations! That's what lights me up, that's what gives me goosebumps and motivation to actually get up in the morning and express! I wouldn't have known that have I not had my corporate career.

And last, but not least, I needed to be born into a sensitive (but strong and amazing) body, and to experience a mystery illness for 8 years when I was a kid, to then experience IBS, anxiety and deep unfulfillment till my mid 20s to actually be motivated to learn about health, happiness and healing! I never imagined I would discover having gifts in this realm, and quiet honestly I feel I am only scratching the surface of my potential as a healer and a guide, my dreams are pretty huge.

So the point of exposing my life examples is to demonstrate that nothing in Life is random. Everything that happens, happens for you, not to you. You are not a victim! You are an infinite Being, a spark of the Divine, experiencing itself as a human being. God is learning about itself through You and Your unique perspective. How f-ing cool is that? There is No One else like you and there will Never Be anyone like you!

You get to experience Life as you wish - from the lenses of victimhood and suffering, or from the lenses of freedom and awe.

*I will be opening up a few spots for a deep 3-month dive into Embodying Wholeness starting January.*

PM if you want the details. But beware, deep transformation & change will happen. You may become very light, happy, free and finally empowered to be Yourself.

In service to Life, Sasha Nova

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