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Give to Yourself

Give generously to yourself, so you can give generously to others!

Yes to that! Yes to self care, self love, self appreciation and self encouragement. Be your best friend, lover, parent, your own best advocate. You deserve this. You are magical. You are divine. You are sacred. You are special. You are love and you are loved so so much by the universe.

Don't waste time thinking up reasons why you don't deserve what you want. Think instead of having all of your wishes manifested already. You are powerful beyond belief, use that power! Use it wisely and be gentle with yourself. Life is a journey, enjoy it. Feel it. Dive into it fully.

All of these are simply reminders to myself as I step into the next stage of my life. Everything you say to the other you actually say to yourself. I am magical. I am powerful. I am love. I am divine. I got this!

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