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Being an adult

Being an adult is not easy. It means coming out of the victim consciousness and taking full responsibility for every word, thought and action. What do you mean nothing happens to me, but 'for me'? What about all those people that have done me wrong? All those life circumstances that didn't turn out? I'm responsible? Nooooo! (Teenage crying out)

It can be very difficult to come to this realization, that in fact you are the creator of your own reality, everything is a projection and you can choose what frames you project onto your screen called life. I keep remembering and forgetting it all the time, and I've been at it for almost a decade.

The 'forgetting moments' are getting shorter and the awareness is getting stronger. I'm practicing being a non-judgmental curious observer of whatever occurs and that seems to help diffuse the charged energy. I keep debating with this idea of the world having meaning and purpose in everything and absolutely no meaning on the other end. The philosopher in me loves to contemplate about life. And yet, life seems to not be comprehensible fully by our minds. Life can be felt by our hearts, by our bodies, by our awareness. Life is awareness in different form. Or so it seems to me at this stage in my life.

Being an adult is not always easy, but it is empowering to feel your own strength and feel the freedom that you get by admitting to your own personal power. Freedom is the gift of coming out of victimhood.

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